The Gospel and Table Fellowship What makes a person a ‘sinner’? Can a person be a ‘sinner’ simply by virtue of their ethnic identity? Today,… Continue reading “The Gospel and Table Fellowship”…
Guns Don’t Stop Killers, People Stop Killers: Love, Shared Stories, and the Power of the Holy Spirit Depending on your access to social media, you might not have heard about this story, or you might think you’re… Continue reading “Guns Don’t Stop Killers, People Stop Killers: Love, Shared Stories, and the Power of the Holy Spirit”…
Jesus, Zombies, and Love: A Theological Reflection on Warm Bodies (Part 3) This is part 3 of a three-part theological reflection on Warm Bodies. In part 1, I explored what Christian theology and the… Continue reading “Jesus, Zombies, and Love: A Theological Reflection on Warm Bodies (Part 3)”…
Jesus, Zombies, and Love: A Theological Reflection on Warm Bodies (Part 2) If you’re just tuning in, this is part 2 of a few theological reflections on Warm Bodies, a zombie romance movie.… Continue reading “Jesus, Zombies, and Love: A Theological Reflection on Warm Bodies (Part 2)”…
Jesus, Zombies, and Love: A Theological Reflection on Warm Bodies (Part 1) WARNING: SPOILERS Warm Bodies is an exploration of what it means to be fully human and fully alive. Zombies are a perennial… Continue reading “Jesus, Zombies, and Love: A Theological Reflection on Warm Bodies (Part 1)”…
The “Real” Jesus: Why Reza Aslan is Right! (…and Wrong)—Jesus, Revolution, and Objectivity For those who are not familiar with Dr. Reza Aslan (like his Fox News interviewer, apparently), he is religion scholar… Continue reading “The “Real” Jesus: Why Reza Aslan is Right! (…and Wrong)—Jesus, Revolution, and Objectivity”…
Reading Revelation Wrongly: “The Rapture” and the End of the World in Popular Culture and Conservative U.S. Christianity Hollywood isn’t to blame for getting the Christian view of the end times wrong—Christians are to blame. Christians have failed… Continue reading “Reading Revelation Wrongly: “The Rapture” and the End of the World in Popular Culture and Conservative U.S. Christianity”…
A Generous Pentecostalism, Part 3: Eschatological, Missional Urgency I’m wrapping up this series (Part I, Part II) I’ve been calling “A Generous Pentecostalism” on a “lowercase ‘p’ pentecostalism.” In this post,… Continue reading “A Generous Pentecostalism, Part 3: Eschatological, Missional Urgency”…
A Generous Pentecostalism, Part 2: The In-Breaking of God’s Kingdom If you’re just tuning in, in honor of Pentecost Sunday, I’m sharing my thoughts on a “lowercase ‘p’ pentecostalism,” in which… Continue reading “A Generous Pentecostalism, Part 2: The In-Breaking of God’s Kingdom”…
A Generous Pentecostalism, Part 1: Direct, Dynamic, Relational This strange, amazing, and sometimes perilous journey of discipleship, on which I’ve been traveling with Jesus since I was a… Continue reading “A Generous Pentecostalism, Part 1: Direct, Dynamic, Relational”…